Conscious Living

Conscious: Having knowledge of something, to be aware or mentally and physically awake. 

“There is a saying about intimacy, that goes: “IN TO ME I SEE” Robyn’s work took me there, to an understanding of myself I had never seen before. I never felt judged just loved”. -Jax

Throughout the history of humankind people have been delving deeper into their conscience to find meaning and purpose of existence. Your body resounds with wisdom, intuition, energy, and pleasure. YOU are where Heaven meets Earth, YOU are where spirit becomes Matter, YOU are Word becoming Flesh. Self-Knowledge is the foundation and threshold for deep intimate connections. With the right tools and guidance, you can access and integrate your authentic nature into your lived experience. Whether it is your dark night of the soul or a simple “off route and need recalculating” – with abundant love, respect, and compassion, I am honored to journey with you.

Conscious Living Services

The Flock Project

A flock…What exactly is that? A flock is a group of birds that gather to feed, rest and travel together. In this women’s group we are intentional about personal growth, spiritual intimacy, and emotional wellbeing.


Robyn Augusta Women Who Walk & Talk

This is a gathering for any woman who yearns for a more in depth connection to themselves, others, and the overall feminine vibration on the planet.


Embodied Spiritual Counsel 

Our bodies are like a miniature universe. There is a joyful communion available in the divine temple of your body.